Career Tips

How to Turn Interviews Into Job Offers

  • Dec 28, 2017
  •  Written by Ken
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How to Turn Interviews Into Job Offers

You’ve worked hard to craft a resume that highlights your value to a potential employer. Now, the phone is ringing and the interviews are starting to pour in. You are excited and anxious as you chat with hiring managers over the phone and face-to-face.

But for some reason, you can’t seem to land the offer. You become frustrated and unable to understand what went wrong when you feel the interviews went well.

As a seasoned human resources manager, expert resume writer and career coach, I understand exactly what you are experiencing. I’ve helped several professionals across different industries who have had the same frustration in their job search.

While a great resume is good, it can only get you an interview. Performing well at a job interview is the key to getting the offer.


Below are some of the steps you can take to ensure success at your next job interview:

1. Print extra copies of your resume and plan to arrive at least 15 minutes early. Most importantly, be respectful to everyone you encounter at the location of your interview — you never know the relationship between who you encounter and the hiring manager.

2. Make sure that you are dressed appropriately for the interview. Ask the recruiter what the dress code is, and whatever you do, don’t go overboard with your outfit, accessories or makeup.

3. Take a deep breath and


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