Career Tips


  • May 3, 2014
  •  Written by Ken
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I really loved a recent article I read on entitled the 7 Habits of Remarkably Likeable Bosses,* borrowing slightly from Dr. Stephen Covey.  This was the list included in the article:

1Be Friendly

2. Be Available         

3. Be Flexible

4. Be Positive

5. Be Dependable

6. Be Grateful

7. Be Compassionate

At first blush, most of us would agree that there’s nothing on the list that would cause any of us to have an ‘ah-ha moment.  But how often are we truly beguiled by the obvious?

It’s quite natural for us to like people who hold views that are similar to our own. And the same can be said for the articles we read. If they reflect beliefs and values we hold strongly, we tend to think highly of the author. So what I’m about to say here should come as no surprise.

Rarely do I read something that reflects everything I believe in regarding a specific topic, but this article is spot on. I would submit that you can use the criteria included here to assess anyone you’ve ever worked for and you’ll see that those you remember most fondly, come closest to hitting all these 7 points.

When you’re in any position, people will assess and judge you. That’s nothing new; they’ve been doing that since the first employee was ever hired. However, you should be conducting your own assessments along the way – and now you have the good tool.

But you’d be short-sighted to stop there.

Several years ago I presented my HR team with an evaluation form for them to complete. It was an evaluation of ME as their Department leader. Why would I go out on such a risky ledge?

I wanted the team to know that I cared enough about each of them, to create the ideal environment for them to succeed.  I wanted them to know that their opinion of me really mattered. However, there was another reason, as well. It’s the proverbial ‘other’ side of the coin.

For those who have come to know me, you probably know that I pride myself in chasing perfection. As such, when I lead teams, I want to be the kind of leader they never want to leave. Time and patience has taught me that if I can create that kind of environment for members of my team, there’s nothing they won’t do for us to be successful.  Once your team has such a mindset, there’s simply nothing that can’t be accomplished.  Now just imagine what your own team could do with that kind of motivation, and how would that kind of effort change the value that you could bring to an employer?

OK, everything has a point and here’s mine.

Just about all of you now, or will in the future, have a position where people will call you their boss. Please NEVER forget that such a role is much more than a paycheck.  It literally means that some company has entrusted you with the oversight for their people and that is not only a tremendous honor, but it’s also an awesome responsibility.

You have the power to be great – or to be terrible, and remember that no matter which direction you take, you will affect a lot of lives directly and indirectly in the process. That’s real power and no one should ever wield it lightly.

So don’t just use this scorecard to grade out your own boss. More importantly, use it as a model, so you’ll be able to mature into a great one, as well.

In reality, we’re all here for a very short time. When you leave your current employer what will be your legacy?

By Eric Steven Griesel, JD – Senior HR Leader & Employment and Labor Law Attorney



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